The way I see it... The Errata has this bit about Not being able to return models that are not in the original unit. My understanding is that it...
What is there to be ambiguous about the rules? Fleeing horror's don't split, so that is good, but Rally is very clear in the wording, and I've...
Absolutely great idea, didn't occur to me to split damage to cause more fleeing models, seemed counter intuitive to me. On top of fleeing models...
By my current math, double shooting Basti and a Chief buffed with Priest CA and his own CA, and a Prime Warbeast triggering his Flamethrowers...
As the name suggests, I seek some clarification on this as googling didn't help me. I played a game two weeks ago against a Tzeentch player, and...
To bring back the talk of the posted list, I'm interested in it. I have a match coming up against a Tzeentch player, that doesn't have Archaon,...
In regards to Endless Spells and our Astrolith Bearer, I play them as having added range for two reasons. One is, there is nothing saying it is...
Sadly, I don't have the models for a good TL list, I got one Carno, one Steg, one Basti, one Dread Saurian. So I am left with my favorite KC...
I'm very interested in running a list as posted a bit above, but I worry that it simply doesn't deal damage. Kroak does his thing, Salamanders and...
How is this for a 1500 point version of the tournament 2k FoS list? I will be playing a league with 1500 point limit, so I need something all...
Hello everyone, I will keep this short. For a few games now I've run the Bound Purple Sun with the goal of smashing it into large models for the...
Hello, this is what I've managed to do, and made a base out of plywood. How do I base this thing? It's freakin' huge![ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
I have a match coming up versus a DoK player tomorrow on 1500 points, and this is the list I plan on running. Any advice on how to improve it?...
Hello everyone, first time posting in this part of the forum! I'm a new painter, and the techniques I'm struggling with are highlighting and...
Does The Great Drake work to increase the mount attacks of the Oldblood on Carno? I'm thinking it does, but just wanted to be double certain...
Ah, I see. Thanks for explaining!
Third paragraph of the Battleshock Phase rules directly say it is a modifier though, If the modified battleshock roll is greater than the unit’s...
Guys, the cold-blooded rule states clearly on page 55 that we ignore modifiers to bravery both positive and negative, while on page 5 of the core...
What's the point cost and what does the new Thunderquake do?
What I've got is a dread saurian, 3 salamanders and 6 terradons to fit in a list. Any recommendations with those units included?