Please include some sample lists, maybe a saurus guard based one since I want one to play next weekend in a friendly match? Pretty please?
Will the post be in this thread or on its own?
Was there a leak on what the Eternal Starhost battalion does?
Since I plan on using almost only saurus guard, I'm neither here nor there in terms of happiness. We got the wound increase and thick skin, but...
As someone who plans to run a Eternal Guard list, what is the state of saurus guard, eternity warden and the battalion?
Come on cold ones, don't fall for the troll that does the same stuff every 20 pages or so. :) Completely off topic though: How do I package and...
This is how I do skinks [ATTACH] [ATTACH] More on topic of the new incoming book, any battle reports that I could watch to actually get better at...
There is an upcoming local tournament running a 1.5k point list using Vanguard+500 restrictions. There is also a rule of what you see is what you...
How does one play an army like this? Sadly, I'm still very much a new player of AoS. Lets assume I'm playing against a FEC army of 3 terrorgheists...
I remember reading somewhere that no command ability can target a mount, it has to be the guy riding it?
I'm giving it a shot this saturday, some friends and me are going to play a few games. No idea how I'm going to fit a a4 paper size base anywhere...
What I'd give to have at least a somewhat good meeting engagement list with a Dread Saurian in it, spent two months painting it in my spare time....
Any chance someone could give me a brief run down on how to best use the 1000pt Shadowstrike Starhost against a 1k fyreslayer player? What do...
Decided to try out what looks to be the most difficult list to play, Dracothion's Tail. I already know he will have Drytcha, Treelord Ancient, 3...
Hello everyone! I have a game coming up tommorow vs a friend that plays Sylvaneth, and a few days later against a Fyreslayer player. My track...