Gah! No, not really. It's only a real/valid gripe if the AoS were put forth AS a system with balances. Like I said in my examples, it's not...
=> I believe you are correct. For many years GW has said it's not about winning, not about balance, not about all that stuff and encouraged us to...
There's no connection there. It's not that they "only push" AoS. It's that this is the game now. What came before doesn't matter, and even if...
I agree. Winning and losing is pretty meaningless in AoS. That's part of the beauty of it. I've said it other places, I'll say it here, and I'm...
=> The telltale sign of a head in the wrong place (no offense - honest). Any discussion that begins with "balance" issues tells the reader that...
I think this may very well be what they meant, but it's not clear by any means.
Ahhh... Another misguided attempt to turn a potato into orange juice.
Even if you go with B, why can you only have one?
Ah, sorry. I misunderstood. My fault. I thought you were suggesting taking all old bloods, which I was trying to imply is impractical for most...
@Carrp - How many old bloods do you own (painted to the standard if the rest if you're army)? How many Temple Guard?
Don' as a tournament game. It's not one! I played a totally wonderful AoS game tonight with almost zero pre-talk. That's the...
Assembling takes time, yes, but nothing like the time it takes to actually treat this hobby as the full hobby it is. Painting matters.
Well, that means whoever spent the most money won. Summon away with no hobby commitment...whee!
I own the book. You heard it here first: In 12-18 months, there will be a new set. Warhammer: The Vengeance of Nagash or Warhammer: Rise of the...
Did the event require painted, non-proxies, for summoning?
When you don't have the ability to react to what is being placed against you, as the standard rules allow, then yeah, stuff like a bloodthirster...
The Garden got rules in End Times.
The deployment one is the one I liked best. It reflects how "lists" really are now - You have a bunch of models you would like to use, but...
How about Seraphon Forces or Age of Sigmar Deployment Strategies or Seraphon Unit Synergies?
Who said anything about having to be a fanboy? For that matter, do we really have any of those around here? I'm answering the poll question. Is...