Did you just call me dads, whippersnapper? Why I ought to bend you over my knee...
There is room for people who don't want to give up the old. It's the "Lizardmen" section, not AoS. See here:...
Not needed at all since the game itself does not have army lists (or even armies for that matter). I think that even just having an army list...
Exactly. We're not. We didn't buy enough for them. They are on to a new game for new gamers.
Wow. Just wow. Ha ha! Well done, GW.
Will finish reading the whole thing, but this is sticking in my head already so I wanted to ask - Since this was your first game, why were you...
Don't be sorry. In that rules set, I have no issue with unit filler. The system is set up to work with it. I hate unit filler in a system where...
Sure, but that's not the issue. The thing is, why should we have to do the game company's job for them?
Fuck GW.
For...the...muthereffing...win. You da man!
They say bases don't matter, but the rules indicate otherwise. You are better off on square bases. Plus, can't wait to stack my lead models on...
I foresee it being painted green with purple stripes...
AWESOME! I've always loved the Sigmar idea, jade Griffin, holy knights, etc. These look amazing.
You perfectly illustrate why stuff dies without a central point of authority. No leadership = fractures = death of system.
They won't go back, and neither will you. http://warhammer.org.uk/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=129446 It's fun to think about old systems, but they...
In fairness, it was pretty much all Warhammer, all the time for several months just recently with the End Times.
I suggest going to a pub with him instead of gaming.
Iskander has the heart of it, at least as I see it. I will add a bit though. Yes, it's down to how your opponent feels. This is how I feel: My...
One of the largest development advantages 40k has always had over Fantasy is the "room" a galaxy had compared to a planet. I know from...