When played by the rules(no duplicating) I think they are pretty cool.
=> Hey now. I happen to think End TImes made the game waaaay better. I know you said "IMHO" but, you know, your opinion is wrong. :) :) :)
I don't want to do too much to derail the thread further, so I'll say what they are buy won't defend or expand on my view here or engage in...
Unit fillers are a part of the Unholy Trinity of Evil in Warhammer. That said, if Trayhammer comes, it will be like Kings of War, at which point...
All of that may be the case, Putzfrau, but my point is that GW just plain doesn't think about how their plans for their game will impact what they...
I actually think there is too much focus on what GW would or would not do based on existing customers and their armies. I think it's quite likely...
It wasn't dinosaurs, exactly, that got me in. It was being able to have a highly monster-focused force. They just happen to be dinosaurs.
Possibly, yeah.
I think we'll be able to use our old bases but anything they sell (even older stuff in new production runs) will be on rounds. I am thinking it's...
Party pooper. :)
If ETC got used, it would just show how ignorant many gamers are. ETC is not a general comp system. It's a new set of Warhammer rules designed to...
I think it would be great. Just means you have to find like-minded opponents. For me, it would let me build an all-construct TK army finally. Fun!
Hey! As long as we are being sacreligious... I just finished painting a Jesus of the Sacred Heart model to use as my "villain" (special thing for...
I voted 'always' since they are always in my lists now anyway. If the rumors are true, we'll have Unbound as an option soon, so we'll be able to...
Right. I'm just saying that ease of rolling is, in no way at all, justification for deciding on the rule.
What do you do about cavalry? Or characters in units? Or units with skinks and Kroc? Or...
That's just it, though. That's not the same as "how do you play it." I play it by the rules. I think it _should_ play out differently from what...
Steelers fans...we're everywhere.
Are we voting on the actual rules or on how we choose to play it?