Just double checked. You are correct. Recast bounds until they fail/are dispelled. I suppose this means the Ruby Ring can prevent other...
Does not apply to bound spells.
Storm of Magic (and Blood in the Badlands) is actually very different. I went into this in massive detail when Nagash came out, but the essential...
Putting it in the errata was completely unnecessary. Glad they did, but it was not needed. The End Times books are rules sources for Warhammer...
A few points - The whole point is that they are not optional - at least not any more than any rule, anywhere, at all, in all of Warhammer is...
@OP If you have the book,then you need to check something again. If -either- player (not just both) wants to use the new magic phase, it gets...
=> Ok, so reconcile _that_ definition with the multiple ways for dwarfs to re-roll something and say why we cannot re-roll a re-roll. And explain...
To quote Queensryche This must be how all remaining Lizardmen feel. Their entire point for existence has ceased. The grand plan has failed....
OK. Overhead costs are set at where they are now based on current profits (and thus price points). Shifting the margins per item would not...
Yeah! And if Porsche would just makes their cars only $5000 each, then everyone could get into a Porsche too! /sarcasm Lowering their prices is...
=> I would look forward to a game with you using my Undead Legion. I mean, really, even though there is a rule that says my troops can only march...
Hmm. Actually, no. No we are not. Nobody has said that. To make that assumption about it means you have to have ignored multiple posts that...
I guess you never field cavalry. Yep. Just like an argument can be made that the sun revolves around the earth or that there is a god. The...
A few things - 1) Maybe not everyone feels this way, but I, for one, am glad we have this forum for discussion, even if it gets a bit heated now...
@Silverfaith Sorry. I should have taken more care in my post. I said it was nothing personal because I meant it was not really anything to do...
=> Nothing personal against Silverfaith, but it really does sound a lot like "Y'all git out. We don't need none uh yer book learnin' 'round here"...
You know what I find to be impressive (in a negative way)? I find it impressive that an incredibly well presented argument, using plain, easy to...
=> Yeah, I hear ya' and I understand. I was trying to be brief (for once) and chose my words pretty deliberately to get the point across with...
...and Steadfast, supporting attacks, dead or fled, #6 spells, needing 2 ranks of 5 to break opposing ranks in the flank, fighting at initiative...
I am not trying to be a tournament-only player, but it seems like all my non-tournament games are in preparation for tournaments, so I suppose I...