=> Fair enough, but under what set of rules would you support your position? => As is the ability to poison a war machine or a zombie, not to...
=> I feel your pain on this. There are lots of things in Warhammer that are Fun Little Tricks. The more variables these FLTs require to succeed,...
=> No offense, but if that's your reasoning, it's a bit off. There is nothing, at all, that says that all 8 BRB lores are available to all...
Thanks for the replies, everyone. Good stuff in there. I'll definitely keep it going. May even get a report in later tonight. A few specific...
The spears are definitely too expensive, but it's a price you probably have to pay. They are a much better combat unit with them. The only time...
No need. A 6 always fails.
Re: Nagash x Mazdamundi (WhiteDwarf SPOILER ALERT) Agreed on Phoenix. I'd love to model one as a coatl and use it to provide some early threats...
Just use the built-in balances that the game provides - Scenarios and the #6 spells.
I have two more reports to put up, but before I put in the effort, a quick question - Has this thread outlived its usefulness?
Re: Nagash x Mazdamundi (WhiteDwarf SPOILER ALERT) Dark elves. Mom and dad can then share custody of the cold one kids again.
Re: Nagash x Mazdamundi (WhiteDwarf SPOILER ALERT) Ward saves. In particular, the Tzeentch 3+ ward where you reroll 1's.
Re: Nagash x Mazdamundi (WhiteDwarf SPOILER ALERT) Yeah, pretty much. It's so sad where this country has gone.
Re: Nagash x Mazdamundi (WhiteDwarf SPOILER ALERT) => Oh! No, I am an American. That means I know only one language (and barely, at that)...
1) Bolt throwers never grant LoS in units anyway. Templates, including cannons, do. The rule about bolt throwers has no bearing at all on this...
Re: Nagash x Mazdamundi (WhiteDwarf SPOILER ALERT) All you have to is hit "translate" in Chrome, but here are the two bits of interest (SPOILERS!!!!)
Re: Nagash x Mazdamundi (WhiteDwarf SPOILER ALERT) Just use Google Translate in Chrome. Reading it in English now. MAJOR NEWS! Arkhan on his...
Re: Nagash x Mazdamundi (WhiteDwarf SPOILER ALERT) = You are. Having done some writing for the 40K RPGs, I can tell you that the direction from...
Re: Nagash x Mazdamundi (WhiteDwarf SPOILER ALERT) Will it matter if they don't make his rules better?
Re: Nagash x Mazdamundi (WhiteDwarf SPOILER ALERT) "Buy More Models."
I agree with you. I definitely got in too early. I also think I may be learning a lesson about my deployment in general. I am going to start...