March madness is mutely making musings(? IDK alliterations are not my strong point): Finish Saurus Death Guard, i think i have a scheme Do saurus...
Got something done this month which i happy with, but need to do more next month Finishing painting my troglosaur Finishing priming my Saurus...
Thanks, i got to say with magnetisation, it's equal parts loving kit bashing and being cheap for me!
Thanks, im glad it looks seemless, i need to add more magnets as the head is a bit loose. This will be my last magnetised model until i get a...
Its been a bit but i got some the troglosaur done besides the base. First the rider: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Golds are done iwth just retributor...
I have a march madness of models coming so i wanna bang through what i've got. Finishing painting my troglosaur Finishing painting my Saurus...
End of month update - finish up the cold ones - assemble some saurus guard i got - magnetise my carnosaur/troglodon. - maybe start writing some...
All these undead make me want to start a death army. The new sculpts look great
Unfortunately i 100% agree with you about the mini battletome never happening but i still love to see it happen more as a way to enhance the...
You can totally ally all dwarfs together in CoS, using tempest eye and allying fyreslayers or run Barak-Thryng in KO and have any duradin join as...
This is kinda why i want a mini battletome for combined Duardin. Doesn't give them everything but it gives them far more options unitied. Even if...
Thanks, I think i will keep the Oldblood to the side and magnetise his base to the main base. If you were to magetise the throne i think you'd...
Getting there with this month's goals: - finish up the cold ones - assemble some saurus guard i got - magnetise my carnosaur/troglodon. - maybe...
That was an experience and a half that was not made any easier than a slightly misaligned body build but importantly I got a carnosaur magnetised....
Why not throw my hat into the ring. Hopefully i can get atleast full 1 army (2000pts) worth of seraphon painted, not sure what list but KC or a...
This month I want to: - finish up the cold ones - assemble some saurus guard i got - magnetise my carnosaur/troglodon. - maybe start writing...
Finished the oldblood/scar-vet and oracle. Im noticing a few bits i could touch up but its tabletop ready i guess. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Might as well throw something in. - Something for kroak and slan: i like the idea of a small point increase for kroak and new spell for him as...
All of the skinks look great and i like how more primal the skinks look. The saurus doesn't do it as much for me but it still looks pretty good....
Got some work done on my back log, magnets ordered and drill bit so im almost ready to go with the magentising the carnosaur. [ATTACH] Got the 8...