Got a day to paint so i thought i'd finish up my skinks. [ATTACH] The gang is all together. [ATTACH] Skeleton skink: Bit of white paint, zandri...
Thanks. Oh and beards and kilts are a fact of life, especially if your scottish or have that one weird neighbour.
So slow month for painting but, new house, less new dog, so im not entirely sure august was 31 days. Any way i got some painting done so here it...
So big month with moving house finished, not minatures though Sort out where my models will go in my new house. My lizard shelf may become a...
Looks like i wont need to get a fine cast mini for my seraphon theme chamelon skink. Can't wait to see the rest, not gonna lie was hoping for a...
I completely forgot they exist, especially after just playing a Wurrzag campaign in TW. Bonesplitterz are probably just as likely if this is orky...
No idea why, but it screams snake biter ork to me. I think they have new 40k characters coming and an ork was teased. If not, maybe undead vampire...
I got waylaid last month so ill set a smaller set of goals: Sort out where my models will go in my new house. My lizard shelf may become a...
Amazing Kitbash!
I'm home new dog in tow. So ill post a before picture of my "Chameleon" Skinks. [ATTACH] From left to right we have : Representing the Legions of...
Now that I'm finally back in my house, new dog in tow, i hope to clear up any pile of minis i have. Get the last skink chameleon converted and...
While i am desprate for either fyreslayers or dispossed allies, cause i love dwarfs, i think we're more likely to see salamanders moved to...
Your kitbashes are amazing, keep it up!
I've been avoiding buying new for cost sake, but i have looked on ebay and other bits stores. I managed to scope out a stormvermin skink for about...
Thanks for the feedback, although the timing is a little deceptive. I started painting the boxes back in december and wrapped up the painting on...
Time to wrap up the two start collecting boxes i have and all my models painted so far. This time its the "other" category, which is definetly a...
Thanks! These were really fun ways to ways to finish up the start collecting box. If i do them again ill probably do them properly with the right...
So to learn list building and to give myself something to do during lockdown i wanted to make a 1000 point Koatl's Claw list from 2 Seraphon SC...
Looking pretty good man!
Next up is my battleline. Unfortunately i dont have them around me at this moment so i can't take much better photos. First up is the saurus...