I need to paint models for an escalation league anyways, and hey BOTH well, all is probably more fitting (as i have 3) of my slann could need a...
You cannot bring Characters only, as you need at least 3 units to have a viable list (unless that rule is changed as well). BRB pg 134. So...
Re: GCPD's Lizardmen Lists That explains the banner! And i can see the sense in protecting him behind your lines, i might personally consider to...
I'd say it's a decent point. More heroes and lord, with a Kroxigor block to help out. That's a lot of str 7 PF attacks, better yet, saurus cav...
Re: Professor Lupin and Scalenex's Guide to Enemy Magic Phas Plague is nasty on skinks, toughness test, and might leap to another nearby unit?...
Re: GCPD's Lizardmen Lists I completely understand the change from all Chamo's to TG's, had you only changed 1 as in the original post i'd have...
Re: GCPD's Lizardmen Lists I run a lot of skink cohorts, as opposed to running Skirmishers, well, in theory i do, i don't get as many games as...
Re: GCPD's Lizardmen Lists Remember the Individual points costs GCPD! I must say your lists usually have a habit of inspiring me (or used to...
My opponents (who usually don't wield cannons) seem to have problems with my carnosaur scar vet. In my most recent game he killed his points...
Actually i disagree somewhat, now off-course the question was directed at you, but i find that taking 2 in one unit maximizes damage, makes over...
I believe you're not understanding the argument / part of the BRB you yourself brought forth. It asks us to treat - TREAT - open terrain as open...
Allow me to paraphrase. "Open terrain" mentioned more times, than the one time it says "open ground", i beg to differ, i really do, i believe the...
I use both regular, and "dry" paints for dry-brushing, and i must admit i am leaning quite a lot to the side of dries being a very good, and...
Kroq-kar is overpriced compared to what you get with the regular oldblood. His save simple isn't good enough, 3+ / 5+ isn't very good, the only...
Skink chief. Foot, mounted, anything really as long as he doesn't mount himself on a monster (a stegadon), that ain't skinky agile skink...
Incorrect, the use of a hero and the full command in the 5x6 unit pshes him to the second rank - it has been argued before that you cannot...
I never stated it happens everyday, i stated it could happen, which it can. The afore-mentioned necrons example happened once in the history of...
That's why the therm "desperate allies" is so awesome. In the grand scheme of things, some of the better examples are from 40K and the joining...
High elf's are the only really sensible choice. We do help them from time to time, protecting the ancient seats of power. We don't really...
Considering a 5+ ward costs 17.5 slaves, and a lvl increase to lvl 2 costs 35 pts, he at least has a value of 85 slaves. He also packs and...