there are several advantages of fielding small units of cohorts, even in comparison to un-comped environments. 19 skink cohorts make an ideal...
Which is, quite frankly, exactly what GCPD stated in his previous post. He isn't defending the stand pt as tp whether you SHOULD use a skink...
noone adviced you to take only soul of stone. We adviced you to take the earthing rod as well which would have rerolled the snake eyes completely
That's the safest way to get him into the fray without miscasting anyways! I've considered going lore of shadows, and having a skink priest in my...
I am very much up for this thing! It is a great pusher to get me painting AND playing, 2 things i really like ^^
I don't field either TG or Saurus in anything other than 6 wide tbh. And then i don't field Saurus at all so... You're very much correct...
I suggest, and it is limited somewhat in supporting choices by my wish to have 2 combat blocks, and my regret that Saurus just doesn't cut it, the...
he can be assembled on either. as regards to the OP i'll go in the Terradon batch of things,, rippers are prone to dying before they deal any...
Re: The 8e Lizardmen Handbook (Updated June 4th 2014) Saurus in general seem like a weak choice, and is a weak choice if you don't wanna be...
I like it, i think we should name them "the spawning of freddie". Personally, Frederick (long for Freddie) seems to be quite whimpy around the...
To be completely honest, i wouldn't say Orcs and Goblins were especially needy either, but they got an early book. Empire also had lots of units,...
But it isn't a chance though, it's just statistics. Those statistics are most likely based off of loads of armies using Saurus warriors, and...
just fill out this simple questionnaire when choosing your reactions. 1. Is it a skink, or a mounted skink? 2. Is it a Ripperdactyl or a skink...
False, you can afford a goood cowboy at this points lvl, infact you even posted him earlier in this thread, you just missed the 20 pts for his...
Shadow allows you to change places with a model of the same type, hence he'd need to change place with a amonster, since he's a monster. some...
To not even start about that swamp which makes everyone but skirmishers suffer horrible horrible dangerous terrain mishaps (or is it more...
I once told an opponent this and it made him decide to go for the almost equally hard to hit -2 sally unit in a forest elsewhere on the...
Really like the carnosaur, the feathers on your CoC's standard and the bastiladon! Your monsters look wicked! I can't agree on your overall...
He posted in a thread that is pointed towards by the tactica index. Not necroing as far as i am concerned. The idea seems fluffy at best, you're...