Weren' skinks Ld5 as well before 7th edition?
Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 29/07] It will probably only be on natural sixes, not "6+"
Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 29/07] Well that...sucks. even with +1 initiative saurus will still attack last almost every...
One thing I just tought of: they do mention Coldblooded in the WD I hope? Not that PF is our new "army-wide rule"?
If you zoom in and compare it with other stats it looks more like a 5 than a 3. Would be nice though :p
Looks really cool! Did you carve in the symbols or did you just paint it? And how big is that thing? :p
Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 27/07] Good to see the scar-vet is still a beast :) Here's hoping we still get an amount of...
Wow, that new Kroq-Gar artwork is terrible compared to the old one...
Sotek's arse... So it was in fact pure GW dickery to paint them like that...
I think i'm sowing a bit of confusion here :p I doubt it wouldn't affect supporting attacks, I'm just stuck with the old PF rule from 7th or even...
I'm feeling rather stupid for asking this (been ages since I played Lizardmen), but didn't predatory fighter mean you only got one attack from the...
That will never happen.
In the old days, didn't saurus have one basic attack and an extra automatic strength 4 hite (bite)? WOuld be awesome if that bite rule were to return.
Hm, the new pics shed some beter light on the models. Let's see... Terradons: I believe they finally nailed the head, but the rest of the body is...
I seriously don't think I can afford this hobby anymore.. From now on it'll be either recycling, converting or eBay...
I gotta say I'm quite disappointed with the new models and the new look gw seems to want to give to the Lizardmen... It all seems so cartoony and...
Re: Greek themed Lizardmen (Completed Armys on Parade Page7! C'mon man, where are those pictures? ;)
Re: Greek themed Lizardmen (Need advice page 5 please!) Then it will definately block the view.
Re: Greek themed Lizardmen (Need advice page 5 please!) It's a shame that I have to say this, but I think it looks better without the big guy; he...
Re: Greek themed lizardmen Plog (including armies on parade You, sir, are crazy. That display board is incredible!!