An important part about sculpting is patience. With bigger additions you need to let parts dry for about a day before you can continue scultping...
I won't be able to finish my unit (started working), sorry guys..
Ofcourse, in a jungle theme you can get away with really big plants, depends on your taste :).
Tey're simply plastic aquarium plants, or basicly just any kind of plastic plant that has the right scale.
He's fixable :). It's a Chaos Exalted Hero:
I was quite proud of this model: That is, until my mom was looking for a tupperware jar, found one in the closet where I keep a lot of my...
I hope the enxt challenge is a single mini again, I really can't be bothered to finish entire units anymore >.< I just get bored way too easily..
If you want to go more jungle-themed you can just glue pieces of plastic aquariumplants on your bases. I don't have any experience with swamp...
Here's how I base most my models: first I glue on around 2 patches of sand. When this is dry, I coat them with thinned down pva glue (so it won't...
looking good :)
My ex used to call the figures "puppets"... I took her to our gaming club once, she just laughed because she tought it was ridiculous and went for...
Ugh, not happy with my progress >.<...
He used NMM?! I didn't notice until I read a comment o.o!
One model done, 9 to go. damn it..
Well painted, though I've seen better tbh.
That would be cool. Kind of like in White Dwarf when players show their army and list, with inspiration, tactics, fluff,...
The models are finally prepped (removing mold lines and filling with green stuff) and I'm ready to start painting :).
The Chaos Warriors I'll be painting: [attach]
I've decided to paint 10 Chaos warriors. It would have been more obvious to paint my saurus, but I'm already working on a unit and their quality...
I'm definately in, I only hope I can finish a minimum size unit in time, i'm so darn slow xD.