The more I play it the more I love focus of mystery. Since you want combat buffs I think Light can't be look past with a big unit of krox in the...
Fulcrum is a building? and monster can't take a building :(
Please please, oh god yes. Stargate lizards!!! woooohhhhh
You simply have to many points spent on magic in what is a smallish battle. The other thing to look at is DE are a very hard match up. DE is my...
I like the way your thinking phat
I still think loremaster(the power to reroll) is going to be god like. Soul quench is the best MM in the game too
Bob you just need a shield and a shiny necklace and yours will surpass the evil empires by a margin
Well that changes things. Must is bad
So lore master high and tetto in the same army. Take the book like raymond suggested and then spam soul quench? If you need any spell from any...
Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [2250 BatRep vsEmp Are you just trying out different lores? or is Heavens something I'm missing when...
Our best answer to DP is sharpened horns on an ancient steg. You get the charge and a DP will just "go away" If your on high magic, arcane...
Against empire the very first thing you do is cast as many spells as possible, you're not going for effect (unless 6dice WBW on your sallies puts...
Is there any benefit to being a stronger or weaker comp? The swedish comp we have gives you bonus victory points based on the difference between...
Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [2250 point list u If it's panel comp, LD10 cold blooded will certainly be a hit. I see droves of...
I just laughed when I found out that can take 8 bolt throwers. I'm sure there's nothing wrong with that. Hey mort I saw that english wasn't your...
Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [2250 point list u What kind of comp does the tournament use? As is I'd go with life. Lets you heal any...
Unless I've missed a rules change, please don't post individual points. It brings the wrath of GW legal down on poor ol' red devil. Cowboys do...
Re: 2000 points, Necromancer LM versus Undead Legions, 2 gam Not rolling kandorak was rough. I'm sure if i hunted it down it'll be out there, but...
Re: 2000 points, Necromancer LM versus Undead Legions, 2 gam The old ones weren't quiet with you this time mate. Can he summon 30 zombies behind...
It's not even that's it's 16 pages. It's 16 pages and climbing :D