The shield is pointless. You have a +1 without it. I'd go beasts over heavens. Wyssans will do so much and the potent spells are just to small a...
As long as the character joins first or is deployed in the unit, he will gain unbreakable with the rest of the TG. How it reads to me anyway....
I'm on a loremaster high bender at the moment as well. The toolbox is fun and interesting, and it really does open up the "There's a spell for...
I'm just shocked your a saurus fan, and yet you have no saurus characters. Slann BSB channeling staff, Becalming cogitation, Harmonic convergence...
Love your list. It's super aggressive and fun. Awesome against people that haven't played against list style of list before. Guessing your going...
Welcome to Lustria mate. I'm sure everybody over in painting and converting would love a bunch of photos if you have the time.
Fairly sure you can't channel Tetto's spells through an arcane vassal. The scarvet BSB will do alot of work. Normally it's SV CO GW AoD BSB. The...
What points level do you play at? 2400, 2500? I'd find the points for a Scarvet CO GW AoD. will dive your flank/chaff clearing heavy cav some real...
Re: Name for new Battle recording Team anyones ideas are wel Cold blooded batreps. Another beautiful Sunday. Lustrian Adventures (& the lesser...
Not sure if your lone scarvet that faced the white lions was on a CO or not(i'm just guessing here) but stupid creatures can't ever choose to...
Re: Professor Lupin and Scalenex's Guide to Enemy Magic Phas Stop dreaded 13th. Pretty sure it's the only spell in Skaven. Whats SkaveninAZ...
You want a guy that wins any challenge, then after building I got to.... OB CO fencers, glittering scales, dawnstone, OTS (for challenges, not...
I got sent within 3seconds You’ve reached the rules mailbox for Games Workshop - thanks for your email! We’re not able to respond to each email...
The rule says "any unit he joins". The characters would get the -1. You either need to deploy the characters in their at the start or they need to...
List looks good. SO CO GW AoD Dawnstone OTS(might as well make him terrifying) Tetto'eko Scarvet BSB Gold sigil, enchanted shield, opal amulet 25...
haha, the spiders are about as soft as OnG gets :) My mate is sad because whenever he takes his spider I normally shoot of the first 6 wounds....
I play against OnG quiet a bit too. If I knew his list I could certainly tailor it more against him. As it stands the steg just looks like loose...
Savage beast reads "character" which is a subtype. Pretty clearly outlined somewhere in the BRB that I'm to lazy to find. Your Carnosaur has 0...
Just wondering what happens if you use feedback scroll on a unit of warlocks?
What lore are you thinking of taking on your priests? Unless you are really going for a spell like comet or transfomation/amber spear the second...