I haven't read the book or seen the rules yet so I'm very curious as to the specific wording, but wouldn't allowing 50% of your army to be...
For me lately I've been using high magic, so 2 is better then 1 when you, move 6" WBW 20"=profit It works and it's scary as hell. Big block of...
Your best bet is the impact hits from your ancient (i know he flys and it will not happen iften) buts its your best shot. You can also pray to the...
Oh god do I want that, A mountain chimera riding an ancient steg with an EOTG. Why must they stop our fun!
How dare you think of tetto as less than a slann. Pfft He's so broken for his cost I wouldn't know where to begin. You must play no comp or etc...
Before I say anything is this comped in anyway? and are you trying to win or have fun?
Even with WD keeping your casting values low (cept maybe boosted searing doom) you said you like the painting bright side of it. Have your TG...
Interesting article, but I'm pretty sure he gets full wounds with impact hits as they are "distributed as shooting" thoughts?
edit; ixt and I must have posted at the same time. I was unaware about the lost wounds, do you know where in the BRB that this is stated ixt? D3...
Is it a tournament? Get the TO's ruling If not talk about it with whoever your playing and play it that way. GW has stated over and over again...
I don't know if you play tournaments at all. But you will prob never be able to play 4 sallies. 1 unit of 2 is fine and after that you will be...
Where's your captain awesome? Scarvet CO GW AoD=win??? That aside I really like saurus. Atleast alot more then unit champs in skirms and poisoned...
Don't feel bad about taking the time to setup your entire army in rows of 1 and 2. If your opponent says anything, just reply with well your the...
WoC can certainly get worse. How sad/scary is that?! Because ogre blade is a one handed weapon you will get full bonus's from the shield at all...
You need to pick if you want the carno or steg in your hero points, you just don't have enough for both. After that choice I think it frees you up...
Basti's are awesome, not broken(why arn't they str5 with 6 attacks). They are prob GW most balanced new release unit. The bound spell is awesome,...
First off if your playing a tough as nails WoC list, just accept your almost always going to lose and be over the moon when you manage a draw....
If you want to run carno's, I'm pretty sure the consensus on lustria is target saturation. There's almost no case where being mounted on a CO...
Game wise it's focus of mystery w/channel combo. You can win every game you play if you roll average and think ahead. Makes so many units in our...