Re: Dice Pledges: IMPORTANT UPDATE ON PAGE 21 Option 1 has my vote, so to speak. Could you list the 5 most popular colours when you get a chance...
Having played a few games with a similar list It's alot of fun, I run Tetto for the vaguard on your carno which is a great deal of fun and gives...
If there is a 2++ flame ward you can always get your slann to leave the unit, or if you have high magic, unforge that s*** and scare the crap...
What are your kit outs? Weapon for the first scarvet, LA shields for the others ect.... There's no reason not to run the swarms as 2 units of 2,...
Looks great mate, Love the Jaws look of the coldie
I've also played a game against the new DE. All I'll say is that the warlock unit is busted strong. Like seriously wtf where they thinking. For...
So the game against skavern went very well. 14-6 My list is a 15.9comp and his was 16. [attach] I got Vanguard 3 and first turn which basically...
The slann is certainly missed sometimes, but since the list is all about pressure and forcing my opp to make choices (hopefully very very bad...
Re: The 8e Lizardmen Handbook I think savage beast is green and amber spear blue. I find savage beast situationally good, most of the time it's...
Yeah I did a double take at that too, but it's simple (I think) he meant charmed shield and dragonbane GEM. Same roll different slot
total win mate. Can see a LoS ruling coming down to you having to turn off the lights to see if the "lazor" can "see/hit" your target. Awesome
My bad, missed the word "additional". Should be 159 points. 300-159=141/10=14.1? 13 OldBlood Carno, blood and loping. Still playing with magic...
So I built the list (as I'm trying to build a 16 for cancon and it's great to see other ideas) and I came in at 156 points which is a 14.4, I'm...
Re: does anybody ealse want a custom Avatar ? That's bloody awesome mate, Cheers.
Re: does anybody ealse want a custom Avatar ? Would luvs one if possible. How ever I'm greedy and based of the list I intend to run at cancon I'd...
It certainly can be armour and ward saved. page 73 of the BRB. Lustrian Jav profile is str as user, so no modifiers normally. Wssyans will make...
If WoC are your concern skinks are not the answer. Warriors will hit and wound almost everything they roll against skinks. You will get poison and...
If Chakax is in a unit of temple guard with a slann they gain unbreakable(ultimate body guard). However i want a scar-vet in there as well. Can it...
Hey all, just want everybody to look over my list and give me some good/harsh feedback. Cancon is going to be swedish comp, with a score of 10-18...
Is there any comp score differnces? or at all, uncomped? how many saurus? any mundane items on the scarvet? loping stride and roar? As it stands...