Honestly without some real upgrades to our stats summoning is going to be the build.
That could be what they are calling the Feral Saurus
I have like 50 saurus warriors i need to paint. lol Might end up holding on until we hear more about the possible new saurus line
Depending on the rules it might be better to double down on summoning.
We might get new models, it was just a preview, they haven't said anything about not getting us new stuff. The terrain piece makes it promising
That's exactly how i joined Total war as well.
That's probably the terrain piece for the Skytitans I'd be horrified if ours wasn't a spawning pool
I was literally about to post those pictures before i saw they were already here lol
I was thinking more along the lines of High elves vs Seraphon. Fighting over who is the "lightest"
There's always a chance they start off with a vs box like they did the ossiarch bonereapers revamp an old faction and introduce a new one.
They could make a battle box of us vs nurgle.
Don't forget that most of the work on that (like the scales and stuff) is just a skin over the model. They aren't actually that detailed so even...
It takes a lot of time to get the models ready and sent to the printers. So hopefully they will give us new models soon enough
I actually think the saurus guard look fine, they're s little small and dated but other saurus units look much worse lol
Don't forget that codex are sent to the printers months in advance. So there's a good chance the book has been done for a while and that they're...
Any ideas on the kind of list we should use for the Adepticon missions? This will be my first time going to a tournament. Lol I was thinking...
Everything is so weak because we have to rely so much on summoning. It sucks but that's the reality of Seraphon right now. Best we can hope for is...
Thunderquake? Or mass razordons?