Those sound awesome. Why don't we have those now???
That's mainly because the Xeno(alien) armies aren't on the same power level as Imperium. Eldar (elves) and Tau are the only factions that are...
If you roll well with a bastiladon you should be able to 1shot a bloodthirster. Since you're rerolling hits and wounds at Rend -1 with Damage 3
I still think this was a shitty thing to do. Tomb Kings and Bretonnia shoudn't have been deleted from the game.
It just feels so shitty being forgotten about though.
I'm pretty salty to be honest. Wouldn't it make more sense to have Seraphon fight tzeentch? We're both some of the best magic armies in lore. We...
I honestly don't even remember what that battalion does lol
The rumors I've heard are that we're supposed to get our book in January. Not sure how credible it is though...
We kinda already knew that. Every faction was supposed to be getting something for warcry
I think the magic in the GHB 2019 was just to test the waters to see how strong Seraphon would be with magic, with a new battletome I expect our...
So what exactly are we hoping for in the new battletome?
My guess would be a new Saurus warrior models along with a new Saurus hero similar to the Orruk warchanter.
Maybe the rumors of a Seraphon vs orruks box might be true
I was hoping for a Point reduction towards 400 or a lower casting value for good spells
I would just charge back if it wasn't here in the stayed time.
You're missing the skink handlers which if you're taking razordons instead of kroxigors it you must include them In the list. Razordons are also...
Any idea how to include lord kroak into this kind of army
Any Ideas on how to build an optimised Lord Kroak + Slann listlist? I figured going Saurus would be better now.
Updated values
I've been trying to figure out a way to get a set of wol rats without spending $200+. I was thinking of using Choas Warhounds, but was unsure on...