Crunch time! Had some structural work to do on my house that chewed into my weekends. Sometimes you find a thing in your old house that makes you...
Trying to psyke myself up to try NNM gold on him...this is what I did instead... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Well, that's a more accurate interpretation of the rules than the hype addled version I came up with at 2 in the morning,:facepalm:. It solidly...
It's not streaky bacon, but...[ATTACH]
Nah, that's a good question. A couple things are relevant and need to be kept in mind. To answer your question simply, rolling a 1 will always be...
Letsgooo! I can't wait to see your progress!
Looking great! I am glad you are building in a diversity of color for your big dinos too!
Thanks! Just took that promised picture of a poppa terradon. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Some slight progress on my flappy boys. I need to take a picture of the terradon proof of concept too. [ATTACH]
I am a sucker for orange dinos and those saurus are scratching that itch. Well done!
Glad you have it! It is my holy grail. I will find it one of these days!
Where did you snag a Tehenhauin? Or did you have the model already?
Warden, where did you get that Dilophosaurus!? (Looking great btw!)
:eek: you got me!!!
Still lovin' all your Star Wars work!
Looks like it is. Could be from the skulls kit?
Last pro tip on that, I switched to a fine tip sharpie for the scales after painting them on the first 15 guard.
I'm back baby! Realistic goals that might actually get accomplished since my wife has started painting with me once a week! Paint Kroak's...
Thanks! I spend too much time on them individually, so the appreciation helps keep me at the grind for troops. I have gone down three routes on...
I don't envy your future arthritis (I don't envy my future arthritis either on that note). What colour scheme are you rocking for your nurgle demons?