Probably a lot. Would definitely make an aluminum foil core for it and skin it in greenstuff.
Haha, the kit has some of the best extra bits. I might greenstuff myself a third (erm fourth) Slann. Either to go onto a terrain piece, or I...
Painted with the family for awhile today and made some progress on my own models this time! [ATTACH] Kroak's fancy chair. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Yet...
Kroak is primed and ready to go hang out with his new friends! [ATTACH]
Cheers! I would love to hear how it shakes out when you start getting some games in!
Generally I would agree, but it's really tight on points. I will admit that I like having a lot of units to move around on the board to screen or...
Haha, I am thiiis close to aquiring Tehenhuain that way. I can't find a metal model for less than 75-85 bucks
Had a couch potato night with the wife; so I finally cracked the seal on the Kroak and got him masked and into subassemblies for priming...
I would be tempted to drop a unit chargers and add in 3 sets of terrawings. (Or a unit of guard and one msu terrawing unit). You could leave the...
Soo, the army box is an early release set. The book isn't technically legal for tournament play for another 2 months when the official release of...
EotG can't be an Arcane Vassal in the new battletome iirc as it isn't a wizard or a Leader model (no enhancements). Trog looks about right for it...
Fair point, but I still value those two artefacts well above the tome in this specific list. Putting it on astro gives diminishing returns since...
With the strength of the spellcasting/Kroak in this tome aand the fact this range refresh is getting a lot of attention, am I wrong to wonder if...
Aaaand the current culprits of dristactability are... [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I have made some progress on Angron before ADHD struck...[ATTACH]
I have a few ideas that I am tossing around atm. A Slann does feel like an auto-include for a few different reasons, but I want to focus on Saurus...
Good point, I am going to toss a 30 block of Skinks with clubs and shields at some point since they got more durable and still have 2 attacks...
We are limited in our enhancements, and with the recent nerf to Arcane Tome, I would rather spend my extra enhancement on another Skink warlord...
I think that Trog Bomb and CPP Engine have a very similar core to the list, but they really start to differentiate at the fringes. What Spells,...
Just wanted to start posting some lists and start sussing out some of our new archetypes. Will continue to add/remove them as we figure it out....