Haha, Point!
I would say that that is true, excepting that we might be the exception to the rule on that. We are the faction with spaceships traveling planet...
Star Wars is fantasy too though? Just happens to be set in space with laser swords. It's a Good vs Evil story following the journey of a...
Absolutely have empathy for the rest of the community, but I am glad it is our time! Wore this to work by accident today, but I don't regret...
I am going with the "dark horse" saurus knight models with this one.
To be honest, having a good time and not being "that guy" at the table is probably the most important part of any game. Doublely so at tournaments...
Well, well done! And that is a super cool goal, and you should just color me jealous. I hope you do us proud!!
Pretty safe bet there. Fingers crossed; I will miss some, but those salamanders need to go...
Definitely doable, my current army scheme is secretly to overtly rainbow Mardi Gras themed. With at least a little bit of ROYGBIV hidden on every...
Definitely was, I would have been happy with a trolly message ("Kroak Lives" or Sotek Wuz Here"), but we could read them as astral coordinates for...
Some small steps forward... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I have the black scales painted on five of the cold ones, and the blue scales on two and a half of...
Definitely beat me despite the difference in volume! Well done sir, they are looking great!!
I have the same nit picks, but it is a cool model. I expect that any major changes to the the rules will show up in the battletome for any...
I really want a Tehenhuain in my life.
Will have to count on the battletome to make them as unique as possible. They will not natively have fly, and that is a big deal on the boards I...
Sooooo excited!
Well layed out! I still disagree on enough points to sit me solidly in the Middle Earth Camp, but that seems to come more from a difference of...
Looking at other 3.0 battletomes, I am guessing that optional shields getting +1 to save will change to a replacement base save for units that...
My guess is that it will be a glass cannonish mounted unit for the hunters and chargers, with bonuses on the charge for the chargers. It looks...
Rules are kinda funny on that. Most buffs dished out by SKINK and SAURUS heroes can only affect their respective keywords. That said, there are no...