Awesome Carnosaur! Definitely deserves to be reposted in the Fine Arts subforum.
Some great models! A little off-topic, how do you like your Battlefoam bag/trays? Been thinking about getting one for a long time.
Re: Escalation League (324 points) NEED ADVICE We draw opponents randomly, so with luck I won't have to play him again for a couple weeks or so....
Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. I think I am going to go with a modified version of the Qupa/MHK design using my blue from the shields like...
Re: Escalation League (week 5, 270 points) Another week, another battle. Unfortunately I got paired up with a veteran player who wasn't very...
That's still pretty vague and not really helpful. Could you be more specific?
@MHK yeah, you and Qupakoco have similar Cold Ones. I was thinking a darker version might do the trick.
Welcome to Lustria! As for big dinos, I would start off with a Stegadon and build the Ancient with giant blowpipes variation for a Rare slot....
@iron jaw: The problem with inverting the Carnosaur scheme is that is the same as the Saurus. That gas my first thought and tried it. Wasn't...
Hey guys, I need some help coming up with a color scheme for my Cold Ones. I want to avoid the green color because I haven't done any unit so far...
Re: Escalation League (week 3, 180points) We had some scheduling issues with the League for a couple weeks, but we made up for it this past...
I've got an old metal one I have never put together. Been considering using the Kroq Gar for a cowboy conversion.
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far (Saurus command group) Love your standard!
Re: Spawning of Bob - The Legions of Los'tmabo'tl - Ch16 vs Just got caught up on the dwarf chapter and the VC chapter. Reading two completely...
Re: Volcanic Lizardmen Painting blog (Carnosaur update 10/19 Thanks for the comments guys! Now to get back to that Skrox unit...
Re: Volcanic Lizardmen Painting blog (Carnosaur update 10/19 Yeah, I agree about the throne and weapon. I'm actually planning on using a little...
Re: Volcanic Lizardmen Painting blog (Bastiladon update 10/3 So, today being my birthday, I wanted to share with everyone the finished project...
Re: Dice Order: IMPORTANT UPDATE IN OP & PAGE 21 Geez, this sucks. I agree that option 1 is the fairest/easiest thing to do. Kinda bummed that...
Just. Plain. Awesome.