This is awesome! Also, love the chopstick Easter egg for your graphic novel readers :)
Re: Dice Pledges Sorry to post a couple questions in the Pledge thread, but the other one is locked. How long will you be taking pledges, Qupa?...
Re: Volcanic Lizardmen Painting blog (Chameleons update) Finally got some time to finish up another model, an old Skink Priest. He will be...
Re: Spawning of Bob - The Legions of Los'tmabo'tl new Ch6 - Enjoyed the exposition tone of the Spawning of Bob chapter, with still the Bob humor...
Re: Spawning of Bob - The Legions of Los'tmabo'tl Ch5 page 1 Very fun so far, Bob! Really appreciate the distinct voices between the races....
Anyone else like Bob's Kroak death mask from the wound marker dice better than the Aztec croc head for a 6? Or is it just me?
Awesome improvements! I think these might be my favorite of the dice options :)
I would be interested in adding several of these. As someone with a lot of dinos/multiwound modelsin my lists, I would find them very helpful....
Re: Caneghem's Review of the New Lizardmen! Update: Specials Loving the review so far! Some great analysis. Can't wait to read the rare section.
Just want to state again, I am definitely interested in ordering dice. I (accidentally) missed out on the last D6 set so I'm not gonna miss out on...
I missed out on the custom dice last time, so count me in for interest in both types of dice.
I remember Storm of Chaos fondly. It was really big at the rogue trader store I played at in Florida. So many Chaos Lords fell to poisoned darts...
Re: Volcanic Lizardmen Painting blog (Scar Vet update) Finished up 10 chameleon skinks. I wanted to do an inverted color scheme of the regular...
Put him on top of a Cold One. 1+ armor save and better movement. You can shoot him out of your Saurus block or have him run around solo.
Re: Volcanic Lizardmen Painting blog (Scar Vet update) Thanks for the kind words! A lot of people have commented on the blue shields which is...
Re: Volcanic Lizardmen Painting blog (TG finished) Thanks Kirk, that's exactly what we were going for! So here is the plastic Oldblood model....
Personally, I would do 2 units of 30 Saurus Warriors, especially since they have spears.
I think you have a good start! Might I recommend a little shading/highlighting for your units? I think you would get a lot of results from even...
Yeah, you definitely have a little less humidity. If you didn't know already, every year there is a big Fantasy tournament in San Antonio held by...
Very nice color scheme! I, also, love the red claws. Keep it up!