Personally I don't ever want to watch a horror movie, but I still think it's nice to have it as a genre for more variety. The problem for me is...
For special characters you would either have to pick a period your army is from and that then comes with certain SP or have base rules for all of...
I voted 'other' because I'd want them to not just choose one specific moment in time, but rather have multiple, that is 'time of Legends', Just...
There are many ways to die in the warhammer world anyway, so they aren't worse off than other races I think. It could still be dangerous for...
1. Thor - Although Thor might not initially know how to kill Wolverine, he can probably just continually fry him to counteract his regeneration...
If you're into stealth and action games you should try MGS5 at least.
Why use oval bases in the first place :p
Well yes, but if they really had made a lot already I doubt they would say it would take 2-3 years before we see anything, I mean it really seems...
Don't worry: [MEDIA]
Will do. Just to be safe: Do you have a deadline for it or can I just take my time with it? (within reason of course)
Well yes i'd be interested, just haven't done it much, but I could certainly give it a try
After a little bit of thinking, my picks would be the exact same as yours, bar one difference: I'd say Iron Man beats Doctor Strange if strange...
Agreed, I'd be game
Okey dokey here goes: 1: Batman - If he can beat the justive league and superman he can beat Thor, and well... BECAUSE HE'S BATMAN! Also I do...
More stuff, and it's Batman again and in black and white for now, I haven't decided whether I am going to try to color it: Image
Welcome to the jungle :p
So we must: [2:36 ; 2:42] [MEDIA] The devil spawn must die to make the world a better place (and help the bats)
Can't say I'm quite satisfied with them but why only show the best stuff all the time: Caterpie [ATTACH] Metapod [ATTACH] Butterfree...
Guess the DS didn't know he couldn't fit :p Really I don't know, I guess the broken walls aren't always the same size depending on which faction...
A bit of an old thread but why not: I'm an INTP, so we have both the coldest humans and the warmest machines, as the saying goes on this forum,...