Well, @tom ndege, @Bowser, the time has come to find out what happened to Bralterakus. This next segment of story is set during Kroaks tomb...
I would say that you are just a standard saurus in your cold-blooded -killing attitude, which is about the norm for anyone on this forum. But,...
But has he? Hah, you'll have to wait till tomorrow evening to find out.
Oh, I really can't wait until we undercover authors get to take responsibility for our work. Or in my case, desperately try to seem like I knew...
Nice to see I didn't mangle the reference too much...:)
You won't believe how happy I feel having found this thread. I was going to build a Pyramid-Temple that doubles as a carry case for my PrDes GCSE...
Why not take the quick quiz to find out? A)Do you laugh when you hurt Skaven? B) Do your relatives scream and run away from you? C) Do you have...
Index or do not index, there is no "some indexing".
Nah. You just wait for it to start again/sulk in a corner for a while. Or just be dead to start with, like @Scalenex.
Kroak has changed side, and things are getting a bit edgy back in Lustria. So I thought we'd have a look at what's happening Kroak shifted...
Hmm. They would have to taste awful otherwise the Rippers would just eat them. They would have to be hard to remove as well, or leave such a bad...
When I buy a slann, rest assured I will created a mini-NIGHTBRINGER. And in black as well.
True. And you played well, @Y'ttar Scaletail himself couldn't have done better.
I know, right? No-one else appreciates the effort I put in to my evil-doing and spreading of deceit . For some reasosn, I have the feeling I've...
Oh yeah, @SlanntaClause, I checked out your lists of places to buy Lizardmas presents in your signature. I now know where to blow the sixty pounds...
Hmm, Fireblade, Pirates or Eyes on the sun? Which did Bob write-scribe?
Aaauuggh!!! The Skaven are everywhere! KILL! KILL FOR SOTEK! MAKE YOUR GODS PROUD!
Was anyone listening to Bob at the start? Did he mention a date when the voting ended? Really? No-one paid attention? Just like normal then- oh...
Shush, Bob. You'll give me away!
I have an awful feeling that unless we keep the thread on topic, the Lord moderator @Scalenex will ride down from the cloud on his chariot of Doom...