Ditto, well done guys. They're actually quite amusing and informative to read. There are several small details about my story that I would change...
With Kroaks dramatic exit, I thought that I could add another character. This one could replace him, and at the same time add a touch of failure...
Kroxigor? 'Nuff said. :p
@spawning of Bob , I would disagree slightly with your evaluation of mine, but the rest seem to all be on point.
Oh god the cookie monster got his family too[ATTACH]
This! Is! Lustria! *kicks Skaven into pit of snakes*
The trouble with not kidnapping is, apparently, you have to put up with a puppy-kicking load of slapping. Poor Bralterakus...
Even @Y'ttar Scaletail turns his nose up at politicians.. we should avoid them like Nurgle avoids soap.
Wow. Just, wow. You've managed to destroy a concept that has taken me months of hard work and planning to build. I will summarily delete my...
-{two seconds}- A burst of searing white light from Zlaqua's eyes neatly burnt a long scar through the sigil. He yelped in pain, and hopped around...
Hey @spawning of Bob, I've just edited it a bit, reread and enjoy!
Bralterakus led Zlaqua and Emily through the streets. They were as crowded as usual, but for some reason almost silent. They parted in front of...
Meh. I had nothing to do. But ok, no problems with the multiple viewpoints. Nice. The next part of the story will come out tomorrow evening.
What do you guys think of the multiple perspectives? I think that it fills in a lot of detail in the overall story, but you know, I'm not the one...
Yes please! I've been re-reading my story and had a genius idea for an anti-hero-themed tale similar to my one, based around a skink having moral...
No. You can get unsaveable wounds. Or at least, that's what I play like. Think about it - some weapons (cannons, Stegadons, etc) hit so hard that...
Auto saves. Meh. Doesn't sound too realistic to me, and isn't that the whole point of Warhammer?
@spawning of Bob, we have found a sympathiser. Murder, or sacrifice? Or just forced to eat nachos until he explodes?
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Hi. You'll like it here, provided you know everything there is to know about small plastic lizards. If not, then at least you're on a par with me.:D