Nicely done. Love the armour for Nagash. Wish I could paint like that! Sadly my talents are all fiction based. :D:D It might just be the distance...
Oh no, I meant the art comp.
Axmoah was playing a game with a saurus guard while he waited to speak with the starpriest. He called it "Don't touch the Celestite Polearm". The...
@pendrake, what kind of plans do you have for the stegadon? I kind of took inspiration from what I read in @spawning of Bobs posts and yours for...
Hey @pendrake, post a link so I can have a look at it please.
You'd get one or two games of pure annihilation, then you'll begin to notice that people stop talking to you after a while...
So, guys. A lot of the action has been focused pretty much entirely on Zlaqua and Bralterakus, and very little has been focused on Emily and Co....
I might have a go, rest assured bowser you'll be one of the first to know about it.
To be honest, I think an Khorne Vindaloo would hit the spot. I mean, who really needs a tongue?
Excellent. I feel like having a small snack...
I assume its the raptor. Oh sorry, cold one
Right, @Y'ttar Scaletail, you're going to owe me 4 gold plaques if you lose. If you win, I'll write you a short story on the topic of your choice....
With a new skink character riding it, something large and powerful enough to smite Archaon. Someone get @Killer Angel to pm @Rikard or @woogity. I...
Wait, you can't buy him anymore? :eek::eek::D
Yeah, but it was an accident. Also, the way the slann just assumed that Zlaqua was lying and was told to do it by someone was a bit paranoid....
I would like to see a kind of snake cavalry, (like the tomb kings ones :( ) with skinks on. Maybe called Soteks Guard or something? I just think...
Aargh! Why! I desperately need to do revision and you throw that amazing idea in my face! My fingers are itching to start typing! Why! Why me!?
@spawning of Bob, do you mean anti-heroes as in Deadpool, or anti-hero as in literal villain, or what? I have a concept drawing ready (I work...
Hey, what do you know, I might even get my entry done in time for this one. \_;)_/
Oh good, I'm not alone :D