Am I really the only person who's read them all already? I have too much spare time...
Curse you @n810 .:mad: now im going to have to go over my ENTIRE collection and repaint them to this standard. <sobs> and i had almost finished my...
dont orks have gods named old ones?..
Gasp! Is it, is it possible? I think it is! I think that @spawning of Bob has joined us again! <crowds cheer>
The woman pulled a small bag of gold coins out of her pocket and lobbed it at Zlaqua. It was caught deftly - the woman mouth opened in a small o...
What kind of attitude do Sky titans have to outsiders? Is it a "Kill them all!" approach or is it more peaceful?
Zlaqua paused as Bralterakus kicked open the door. "Are you sure she won't mind?" Bralterakus shrugged, and tossed Emily on the bed. "Queen Emily...
Old Ones = Literal Giants? This is a good concept. Hey, @Spawningofbob, @thedarkfourth, @Bowser, anyone feel like "borrowing" this idea? I would,...
Well, I got thinking and decided to do an origin story for my aos army. Also, the seraphon book is so vague it bugs me, and I decided to tweak the...
I saw it at about 9am on 28th. Needless to say, not much work got done on that day.
Never presume to speak for the mighty Spawning of bob. You can never be sure what he is thinking. No-one knows what goes through his mind, don't...
Great stories guys. Now, who to vote for...:rolleyes:
Zlaqua stood up from the table. "Well, it was a great conversation, but I must be going." Bralterakus looked up at him. "Wait, your species come...
Pfft, 1 in 3 species of piranha are veggie anyway. The things to watch out for are the animals that look harmless. Because Nature is great at...
Yeah, dont sigmarians also have that 3 dragon set or something? Ok, @NIGHTBRINGER, I promise never to never mention them again around you....
Sheesh. Although, I would stick the extra attacks to his carnosaurs Clawed Forelimbs, as that increases the chance to hit twice and get +2 to hit...
Strange thing is, as I was proofreading it out loud, a storm started, and occasionally I could hear little sniffles from my warhammer shelf...
Wait, if I beat @SlanntaClause , does that put me on the naughty list?
Far away in the north, an Old One talks to its kin as it pulled wires out of a panel. THIS IS EASY WORK. It paused to plug in an orange wire. A...
i walked into a book shop yesterday, and couldn't for the life of me find the book I wanted. I must've been in the [ATTACH]