Having any rune on a cannon/grudge thrower/bolt thrower makes its attacks magical!
Aren't they bow and arrow?
Re: The "5laan" I like the idea of risky, cheap casting with your slann, and a backup to use your power dice with teto'ekko should you roll a 2...
Ah yes, of course, I multiplied the wrong way, my bad :P
I would allow it. You should count yourself lucky if he uses is one use only 100ss rune on your solar engine imo ^_^
I would consider it kinda lame to claim that the bastiladon is immune to the spelleater rune, just because the word "wizard" is mentioned in the...
5000 points O_O Welcome to the forum :D
This blew my mind :O You actually don't have to wound to remove a magic item O_o
Amazing paint job!! Beautiful model :D I wish the images were larger though :D And don't listen to Matt, he is just being a negative-nancy ;)
In general your list is good, but you have to make a few tweaks to make it legal! You have to have a banner already in order to upgrade it to a...
How are you gonna get your movement 4 block into combat?
I like the ethereal slann, but it requires more knowlenge than i possess about other armies to place him correctly!
Found this in the FAQ: Q: If a Wizard casts a spell that targets himself, or himself and his unit, and then leaves the unit, will the spell...
I live in Copenhagen! I just figured from the description of your study schedual that you were M8! I am M12 =)
Module 8? :D I am also 24 years old, studying physical therapy in Denmark.. I am from Norway though :jawdrop: Cool introduction! I wanna...
The customer is always right eh? I think there is a certain difference between getting questions from customers and from other departments within...
EoTG means engine of the gods; also, this thread is FOUR years old, so everything they are discussing is from the old army books -.-
Sivejir's Hex Scroll :D