Not to bash on the washing method, but personally, I don't use washes on my whites because it looks less clean in my experience. I just layer with...
I don't think new temple guard would release, their models are still fairly new and very nice. Although I dont think it's very likely it will...
Maybe my perception is a little off, but the scale pic makes them look almost bastiladon sized to me! Do you have a length measurement of them?...
Maybe a hydra/kharibdyss from the dark elf range? I've always thought their models were cool looking. :D
Lord Kroak, Cold one riders, BSB, and old skink priest are all showing up as no longer available for me.
Finecast is the resin cast that's been replacing the metal casts of miniatures for a while. Models used to be labelled specifically as "finecast"...
Very nice use of bits on that TG banner, simple yet effective! Gives it a whole new feel. So I take it the Super Clean worked well? Did it have...
Ah for some reason their site switched to Australia for me :confused:, not sure what happened there as I live in the US and haven't changed it...
Ouch. The Age of Sigmar box set price tag, though. $250. I remember I got Island of Blood for around $90. I thought they were trying to make it...
All this summoning business confuses me. Are we summoning units already on the field, like teleporting them? Or are we summoning new units onto...
Personally, I'd go for the Basti or Terradons :D.
I would probably paint those hard to reach areas first with less detail / layers than the rest of the model since you won't be seeing them too...
I believe the interpretation where you can't use flaming banner and magic arrows together is that the arrows are seen as a magic item, and thus...
Alright guys, thanks for the replies! Marking each column seems like a good idea, I'll probably do something along those lines.
Hey everyone! I was decided to try using a skink cohort instead of a usual skirmisher squad, but quickly had problems getting my skinks to rank...
Ah, okay, I understand now ;) . Thanks for the clarification!
I believe that you were incorrect. On page 58, pursuit into a new enemy says, "If a pursuit move would take the pursuer into contact with an...
Happy Birthday! :D I think your second draft looks pretty solid! One thing you could try though is splitting your CO riders into 2 units of 5,...
Seems fairly solid to me, however 40 temple guard seems like a bit of a deathstar unit to me, and looks like it has a lot riding on it. I would...
After thinking for a bit, I've decided I like it! Only two things I would look at personally. First of all, I feel like 15 skinks may not last...