[MEDIA] [MEDIA] ^ I really like these two tracks from this indie pop band, especially the latter. This really nice band does violin and...
Only reason why i would keep my beard, but i don't have a double chin.
um... this is a bit false. There's been many diplomatic and other significant apologies coming from countries that aren't primarily western....
too busy with vermintide 2 now :p. I usually begin actually working on a story during the last week of the contest.
I've started brainstorming ideas for my story. Had this insanely weird dream that was both wistful and heartfelt that's inspiring me to write.
[IMG] [IMG] easy problems need only easy solutions :D
Most of those things can be said of the U.S. as well, they're just not as worse. They still have the potential to be as bad if we don't...
After watching Trump's recent town hall, I question why people are laying the blame for the Pandemic on the CCP (or the Chinese in general). They...
The U.S. turning more leftist economically/socially, and trump going to prison :D
[IMG] Inspiration for a short story :'D
[MEDIA] after playing lots of dirt rally 2.0 (and it's incredibly hard at least with a controller), I have lots of newfound appreciation for...
All those cats and not one of them pushed the seat down :wideyed:
I thought it was pretty hilarious. Something about what is essentially a child given ultimate power in killing is funny. but also a bit macabre imo.
but i don't know how to swallow pills
@Scalenex , I have some questions after reading your well-written entry that was in the last contest. So far you've only written about skinks when...