The heads and Shoulder pads are the same size, hence me being able to use the BA upgrades from before. I couldn't fit a chest piece on without...
Yes Blood Angels and the wreathe is one of their things I guess. I'm quite into them :P
[ATTACH] maybe as I copy/pasted it. how's this @tom ndege ?
It'd be a really quick way to turn out marines if I do leave him like that! Just fire dragon red from army painter.
I quite like the red shiny actually :) probably not though, just base coats at the moment.
[IMG] Quite pleased with where this is going, but I need a new black as the one i'm using is very shiny/not covering very well.
Very cute! Why is the sword a bit yellow though? Poison Piss? :p
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Two shots of a Primaris Intercessor sergeant I built today. With just a couple of Blood Angel upgrade sprue additions. BONUS...
Doesn't Kharn get run over by land raiders rather than ride in them
I know GW can be expensive but they have a couple of nice looking things coming out for scenery soon, and more skulls then you can shake a femur...
Awesome! I thought the first one was called shikakka tomb for a second [IMG]
So as usual my pans went to hell yesterday, however I asked my two year old what colour space marine he would like and the consensus was purple....
I'm going to put some models together tomorrow (Primaris Reivers) and hopefully start painting some more Intercessors. (that's primaris tactical...
How have I missed this?! amazing sculpt and I'm sure the finished paint job will do it justice.
Ah right Oasis is what I call that stuff, but i think that's just the brand name. Reminds me of flower arranging with my Nan :D Thanks for the...
I could never get on with the dry brush paint from GW, I prefer to just use the normal paint if i'm going to drybrush. The shield looks to have...
@Warden Those look fantastic! I like all your terrain stuff, you make it look easy. What sort of foam is it you are using? I might have to get...
My little men in their boxfort, all they need is a no girlz sign.[ATTACH]
The new chaplain looks pretty cool. Not sold on the chunky boys though.
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Knocking out some intercessors. Quite pleased just need edge highlights.