[ATTACH] Two dudes almost done, finding the edge highlights a bit of a chore with them for some reason.
I heard the best name for tbe new super duper marines, Adeptus Restartes. :D
I've come to the decision that my heart isn't in the Dark Eldar at the moment so I have to go where my attention span takes me, ergo all the space...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] More plastic for the paint gods.
Mine is from this site if that helps http://www.wargame-model-mods.co.uk/ they have a lot of cool looking sci fi terrain too.
[ATTACH] Put together a new paint station thing, definitely worth the money.
The knight who says NII! Looks especially good.
[ATTACH] So I bit the bullet and tried a freehand chapter symbol, I'd say it looks alright (or at least legible) for a first attempt!
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Think i'm basically finished with the captain, not my best work i'd say but fairly happy all the same, just need to...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] So instead of working on anything for the painting challenge like a good boy, i've been following my recent obsession with the...
What has it got in its pocketses?
I think he's more of a special case haha, here's the back of the box and the original plastic sprue marines for reference. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Mark VI actually! The original marines were corvus pattern mark VI standard tactical marines are mark VII mostly these days. Mark II was great...
[ATTACH] Might have invested in this guy too!
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Just been working on this Crimson Fists sergeant when I was bored of building Dark Eldar, I think i'm fairly happy with the...
I have made progress of sorts! The Kabalite warriors are armless and ready for base coating. I even sorted out the bases before hand,...
Wow both the paint scheme and the modelling work are superb!
From the depths of the web-way in that vaulted city of darkness known as Commorragh, a new power looms. Soon they will foray into real space to...
Yeah I don't think we stipulated how the models have to be before painting, I'd love to see some of those painted up!