In regards to troop rules, there is a PDF on the downloads tab of the product page that has all of the race rules....
Hi Everyone, I'm gauging interest in a 'Tale of Four Warlords' Style painting challenge! For those who don't know what that is, in White Dwarf...
It may be April Fools but i'd love to see an Eldar and Lizardmen army mashup :p Alaitoc!? Treachery, I'm a Biel-Tan boy!
[ATTACH] I've been buying things again... Gryph Samurai with skink heads?!
I appear to be an Eldar today, shame it isn't Biel Tan, they were my old 40k dudes.
I think skinks would look better, but that might be my bias showing.
They're 28mm which is the same as GW right?
Looks like some really clean paintwork mate, lovely!
[img] found a picture from the guy who's done it already.
Ordered some more stuff off Element Games, so Griffhound samurai will be a reality!
[ATTACH] Time for honour! I saw someone do some samurai on griffhounds on the Facebook group, might have to be done!
I hadn't seen the elves! so glad they went to a good home ;) lovely colours.
Yeah I think that'd work just as well actually, trying to limit the colours with these guys.
I was planning on keeping the scales orange but not 100% on that, I don't know what sort of shield colour would work , maybe green?
As soon as I posted this the site went down. I thought i'd caused the apocalypse :P
Some very early layers just for photos sake, I'd like a darker orange to start with i think.[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
The box set was free with the rule book for £30 and you get 42 of them, and that's the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything! Also as far...
Taking suggestions for the skinks by the way, possibly be mostly orange and blue crests but not 100% yet.
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Lizards! And some Ancient Greek hoplites because why not?
I think they look pretty good, but they really didn't stretch their imagination with these dudes did they? Steam punk dwarves who could Imagine...