Not much to discuss for April, just batch painting my warriors. Though I did make an investment that should help me get through the rest of this...
Added a bit more to the mane, and added a set of pincer / tusk things to cover up the ornamentation on the side of the head. When kitbashing...
Finished my warhounds, working on the chaos warriors. I wasn't crazy about the face of the manticore model so I decided the best way to get it on...
Quick update, still plugging away, finished my warhounds and working on completing a half-done unit of knights. Really like how this one turned...
Strongly agree! The striped shield moves it from good to great!
I don't know if you need further inspiration, but this little guy is one of the coolest chaos warrior paint jobs I've ever seen (and what made me...
If I wasn't going purple with my chaos stuff I was going to do white armor / black accessories and go nuts with blood splatter effects which would...
World of Warcraft has left me with a deep love of voodoo themed trolls, so I strongly support this choice.
Super helpful to hear the whole scheme, thank you for making the time to share it.
Its all good! I look at stuff I painted even a week or two ago and notice things I wish I did differently. Its a good thing, it means you're...
Bless you for saving that poor stegadon with a spiffy new paint job!
The E Y E S on the ripperdactyl, so gooood.
Great stuff all around. I always love seeing people puting a lot of effort into their bases and yours are exceptional. If I might be so bold as...
I literally said "whoa" out loud when I saw that banner-portal. In-cre-di-ble indeed!
Hey all Found a forum thread where someone decided to spice up their chaos knights by adding tentacles / cloaks / assorted miscellany and messing...
I love that custom crown for Lord Skal'terakk. You clearly already have really strong creative instincts.
Such great shades of green / yellow on the bastis. Looking so crisp!
5 more A N G E R Y doggos down. [ATTACH] I also found a tutorial to paint a hive tyrant, and I am 100% stealing how they did the wings for my...
Got a crapload of basing done today. 45 bases painted. My warhounds are going on square bases cause I don't have enough of the oval ones of the...
Really great stuff, I wouldn't have guessed you spent only 2 hours on each of them!