So major update to the challenge. I done went and ordered a whole mess of new stuff. I saw the StD battleforce was on "last chance to order"...
Next project. I have 6 chaos warriors to do to finish off a unit of 30 thats been sitting almost completed for months. The last half-dozen are...
I hadn't decided on a color yet and now that you mention Cubone I just might do that!
What is the source for that concept art?
Finished sculpting greenstuff for now. Gave the Slann a skull to perch atop his head to spice up the model a bit more. I wanted a big frill too...
Also because inspiration struck I ended up taking one of the extra bits from the motis engine and made a flameskull from D&D. It only took an hour...
Yeah I assembled all the riders and clouds (i.e. the lower half) a few months ago and am kicking myself for not breaking it up more. Ah well.
Built my mortis engine while waiting for greenstuff on the slann to cure. SO. MANY. SUB-ASSEMBLIES! it's a super cool model and there's lots of...
Jeez I consider myself lucky if I only send an hour on a skink. 10 minutes is incredible!
Super impressive! I’ll definitely be cribbing inspiration from you when I start on my own engine that’s sitting in the paint queue.
I find sticking to WYSIWYG so confusing sometimes so It’s nice to know it’s not just me.
Totally agree. Assembling the knights in my first s.c. Box was such a hassle I’m dreading putting together the second batch. :mad: WHY DO THE...
I appreciate the warning. I gave it a scrub with a toothbrush under warm water, I think that is supposed to do the trick.
Update on the slann modification. Chopped off all the bottom stuff and flipped the Ark of Sotek upside down to make a new supporting structure....
Can I just say Warden, that I super appreciate how much content and time you put into this thread? Such a helpful reference and just plain...
I love the sally and it’s pose so much. The effort was worth it, they look so dynamic! As for the terradon priest, the old joke of “hey buddy,...
I sorta figured somebody had the bright idea before me :D Great minds think alike!
So aside from polishing off the stormcast, I ended up spending January mostly assembling / priming / basing minis so they are ready to be batch...
quick and dirty shot of stormcast warband. there is something kind of refreshing about doing a paint scheme someone else came up with and just...