I agree that the colour scheme is really good. I’ve not commented before but I love your basing work in this thread. And hey, at least you’re...
I agree. I originally went with death world green as a base color for the leather on the knight himself, but decided that particular shade wasn't...
quick wip shots of a chaos knight. photos aren't the best but i hope they get across how much more i'm trying to push highlights, even on the...
Been a while since I got to contribute to one of these threads! - finish current batch of 27 skinks (17 need basing, 10 need painting and basing)...
I hadn’t heard of scale 75 before your comment, if I come across some I’ll try it out thanks :)
Get well soon!
Finished off my carnosaur as I'd hoped to do, and threw up the pictures in the gallery. While is is certainly true, I think I'm happy to call...
Carnosaur completed! My takeaway looking at the finished product is that you can tell that I did the Carno WAY earlier than the rider and throne...
99% completed my scar vet, took a couple quick shots before gluing the shield on. Hoping to have him and the throne done by tomorrow, and put him...
Oof, I can't agree more. I assembled my first batch of Knights without sub-assemblies and that is the main reason I haven't painted them yet....
Watching this thread with great interest. Always want to see cool new terrain ideas!
Relatable a.f.
As a conclusion to this tale, the local hobby shop had Vallejo air metallics, so that is what I ended up getting. Tried it out today, A+, love em....
Taking a break from skinks for a few days, got a quick and dirty wip shot of my scar vet. Just finished doing a highlight on the skin and scales,...
Thanks for all the tips and the kind words. I try to to a bit more highlighting each time I do a new project and I keep thinking I've hit the...
Not much to report on the painting front, just doing some skinks / saurus. Finished off some commission work of D&D minis for a buddy, but I do...
Love the melting candles! It looks just like wax, incredible job! I'm glad that you said it comes from the Mortis Engine, I actually have that...
Which kit is the guy in the cloak from?
I mean i'm sure at the end of the day its like anything else in painting. Through practice, trail and error I'll figure out just what consistency...
Great recommendations people thanks! I'll see which of P3, Army Painter and Vallejo I can get my hands on easiest. Ah! That is good advice...