[ATTACH] I finished another model. This is the first of the Guardians from Nightvault. I also worked on Gotrek, but am not done.
Literally. Actually, it's an interesting idea and who's to say that a SoB wouldn't fall to Tzneech? [ATTACH]
I finally have another progress picture. I finished up a unit of Wulvers for Oathmark. These are technically gnolls from the DnD range, but fit...
Finished up my gnolls. [ATTACH]
Did another gnoll for my Oathmark wulver squad. One more to go, then I'll post pictures.
My FLGS had one. I hope someday to find another, but won't worry if I can't.
I got a DnD gnoll done using straight contrast paints. It was a quick and dirty paint job on something that's been sitting around for too long....
Finished my Ironjawz Brutes and a ranger for my human Army for Oathmark.
[ATTACH] Finished my Brutes, finally. This completes the box of Warcry Ironjawz I bought around Christmas time. Next step is to get a Start...
When I had a small elder army, I painted it up as Saimhann. Nice work, everyone.
Continued to slowly work on my Brutes. Two are almost done and the last two have base coats on. I'm hoping to be done with them by the end of the...
I had some time last night, so I continued work on my dungeon scenery project, experimented with Vallejo brush on primer (it works very well. I...
After my order of card sleeve sheets came in yesterday, I spent a few minutes putting all my Underworlds cards away.
I built an Underworlds warband, whatever her name's Ravagers. I also finished building a door for dnd terrain and spray painted a couple more pieces.
I'm planning on running a DnD game for my niece and nephew today, the one that was rescheduled a couple weeks ago.
I drybrushed a few more dungeon floor tiles, and worked on a couple features for them.
Finished dungeon tiles. I have more in progress. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Jumping over to do a random hobby project, getting ready in case I ever get a chance to run d&d, I built and painted some dungeon tiles. [ATTACH]...
Well, the roleplaying game this weekend got canceled as I think my nieces had too much homework and then my wife was a little under the weather on...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Two quick projects to supplement my collection for a DnD game I'm running for my nieces and nephews this weekend. A bugbear and...