Last night, I put some more work into my Oathmark dwarves. The second 5 are done, other than the shields. Padre
Put some more work in last night on the Darkoath models from Underworlds. I'll probably do some more on them later, but I have a couple other...
Spent the last couple days working on the skeletons from the new Underworlds set. After I finish them, I'll work on the Darkoath.
Moderately Inappropriate. [Spoiler]
Well, I did tell her to hit me with her best shot...
I painted up two Ghost Archipelago crewmen last night, the last two from the box I split with my nephew. Padre
Didn't get any more done on minis over the weekend after finishing the dark elves last week, but I started running Rise of the Runelords for my...
Finished the Skaven warband for Nethermaze and finished the first of the Dark Elves. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Painted the last bit of my skaven for Nethermaze and finished the first of the dark elves.
[ATTACH] Finished Crimson Court. I'm working on the skaven warband from Nethermaze now.
I hope they don't do this. Not just because it's wrong, but because Sauron didn't help Celebrimbor with the One Ring. Celebrimbor forged the Three...
I finally finished my Crimson Court for Underworlds a couple nights ago. Pictures will be posted later, when I actually take some. I also spent a...
And finished the next four last night. I now have two full crews for Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago, so can start running games. [ATTACH]
Finished up my eight cultists last night. (The front four are the new ones.) [ATTACH] Padre
And finished the four GA Cultists. [ATTACH]
[ATTACH] Finished four Frostgrave Cultists tonight. I have four more to go to make a Ghost Archipelago crew.
Worked on four Frostgrave Cultists. One is finished, the other three are basecoated. I'll probably do four more so I have a second full crew for...
And, she found the reason I like video games. Because they appeal to the male fantasy. It's amazing how that works!
I got my birthday package yesterday. I got a bunch of DnD minis and a box of FrostgraveCultists, plus some paints I was low on. Now I get to paint...
Ack. I was more focused on WW1 than the specific country. Mea culpa.