This is why Rifts for Savage Worlds exists.
[Pedantic Military Historian hat on] And, the Death Korps of Krieg, both in attitude and aesthetic, is based off World War 1 infantry,...
Started another 3 pieces of terrain. Also, I ordered a copy of the 5e Players Handbook that should get here in a couple weeks. Since that's all...
[ATTACH] Got the houses painted. Not the best work I've ever done, but not bad for field expedient terrain.
Well, the house I built isn't painted yet. But I built four more houses instead so I have a small village to play Rangers of Shadow Deep with. Now...
Built a small house for terrain. Hopefully, I can paint it tonight. Padre
I had it about a year and a half ago. It was about two days of fever and 4 days of bad body aches. I hope it's a very mild case for you.
I could probably help with that, not that most of them would want to hire me. Padre
Finished out a couple terrain piece, painted up a High Elf Swordmaster, finished the last three quivers on the shadow warriors I've been working...
Working on terrain today. Put glue-soaked tissues on two pieces and painted up a ruined brick building.
Put basecoats in the last three Shadow Warriors I've been working on.
The Oathmark Human infantry sprues have some rectangular shields that might work. Also, these Orcs are now up for pre-order. Padre
Northstar is running one of their normal sales for new miniatures. In this case, their new orcs are up for pre-order. They look more like the LOTR...
Worked on a couple GW Shadow Warriors I had on my desk. Four finished, on to the next six.
Put the next layer on a couple pieces of terrain, then plowed through some skaven I had sitting around. I'm trying to get stuff off my table so I...
Finished the weapons for four of five Frostgrave Knights. The other one is going to be a musician or standard bearer, so he's waiting on bits I...
As do I. Just not in the form they are teaching it there... Padre
The sad thing is, I know far to many Christians who actually believe that theology.
Worked on some terrain. I'm slowly starting to build up a desert set made of scrap cardboard and glue-soaked tissues. I may cut a couple houses...