Maybe for AoS, yes. But there is also a lot of broad applicability to convert Chaos Warriors into CSM for 40k. Padre
In the last couple days, I got eight Ghost Archipelago crewmen finished to go with two of the previous set. [ATTACH]
Put a bunch of work into the other four GA figures. I finished the first four last night. I'll try to post some pictures later. [Edit to add the...
Working on my first four Ghost Archipelago crewmen.
It's my Torg: Eternity miniatures game. It's based off one of my favorite rpgs, a modern reworking of one of the first multi-genre rpgs from the...
Plotted some details for a solo or coop campaign for a miniatures game I'm adapting.
[ATTACH] Finally posting a picture of the last couple days work. Two dnd sorcerers and two vampire hunters that I intended for a Ghost...
Finished out a paladin that's been in my box for a while, then finished the other pair of dnd minis I am going to use for Ghost Archipelago.
I finished two models for a Ghost Archipelago warband I'll finish eventually.
The brown squirrels, though, are speed demons...
Thank you. I'll probably do 20mm for the ungors as my group I normally play with does 8th and the smaller size won't be a problem for the other...
I don't know if I will ever go back to them (or to 40k at all), but nids were my first GW army. I played them exclusively in 3rd and 4th ed.
Quick question as I plan my army. What bases are the main units on? 20mm or 25mm? Thanks in advance. Mostly wondering about ungor, gor, bestigor,...
I put paint on one of the sword masters from the Isle of Blood boxes and primed the weapons for my Frostgrave Knights.
Finished up the bodies for 5 more Frostgrave Knights last night, now on to the arms.
I built and painted a dwarf, and built (mostly) four more, plus I built ten Frostgrave knights (other than arms), primed them and partly...
Back to working on dwarves. Test scheme for my box of Oathmark infantry. [ATTACH]
Thanks for the invite! I still love 8th and play it when I get a chance.
[ATTACH] First dwarf from my box of Oathmark dwarf infantry. Primarily done as a test scene, now I just have to figure out how I want to base them.
Occasionally. One of my gaming groups still runs a couple tournaments each year and I usually make one or two. Padre