I'll add my list in. Back in 8th, I regularly played O+G, Empire, and Skaven, as well as Lizardmen. I have some Tomb Kings, Dwarfs, High Elves,...
Awesome! Thank you for the welcome and I look forward to the discussions.
Reminds me of a runner-up entry in the Bulwer-Lytton contest. "Bill left this world the way he entered it: amidst loud screams, bloody sheets, and...
Probably fantasy with the additional option of using them as orcs and goblins for Oathmark.
Those look very nice. I might have to pick up a box. Actually, I wonder how they compare size-wise to Frostgrave gnolls. I was thinking of doing a...
And yet, canonically, Gimli won the game... [ATTACH]
Not doing much, but I picked up Perilous Dark, Joe McCullough's Frostgrave book on solo wargaming. I'm hoping to put some time into converting one...
If my paint pot did that, I'd probably assume Nurgle was involved and burn it with fire... Very impressive.
Childhood shows? Justice League and Dukes of Hazard. Transformers and GI Joe when I was a bit older. Darkwing Duck and Animaniacs in High School....
Last night, I finished one of the Krushas and got the basecoats done on the other two. Now it's time to reset a couple things and decide what my...
I'm open to leaving it open. I'll try to get a couple more recipes posted tomorrow.
I worked on a couple more Underworlds warbands. One of the Krushas and one of the vampires. It was a bit of a slow say, but that was due to dinner...
Hmm. I can think of a couple options, depending on how fancy and complicated you want to go. Option 1: Pepsi Pot Roast Take 1 2-3 lb beef roast,...
At the risk of my pedantry ruining a very good meme, I think it should be +1 armor. I don't see any barding on the horse.
Switching out to another couple projects to give myself a bit of a break. [ATTACH] Weirdnob Shaman. I'll glue the staff on later. [ATTACH] My...
Finished up my Weirdnob Shaman, then worked on one of the Moonclan Grots from the Underworlds Warband. I've posted pictures from a couple of the...
Had some time to paint the last couple days, so I put some time into a couple random projects. I finished my Untamed Beasts for Warcry, finally...
Finished another Stormcast character and a gryphhound. I'll try to get pictures later.
New WiP set, some Stormcast I'm messing around with. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
The last couple days, I put some work into some Stormcast I've had sitting around. The light isn't very good, so no pictures at this point.