That would be entertaining. And don't get me wrong, I'd still watch and thoroughly enjoy the first one...
So... basically another Aliens knockoff.
Built and prined Rippa's Snarlfangs a couple nights ago, spent last night getting one of them painted, plus the bases finished on the other two.
Are you looking for physical or digital? Regardless, this has something close to what you're looking for. I think Ulisses North America has the...
Yesterday, I had a few minutes, so I dropped by a new gamestore. I picked up a couple new dnd minis for a ghost archipelago I'm playing with my...
This too shall pass...
Thank you! I went with the human shields because I felt the dwarf ones were to small. I'm trying for a dwarf tunnel fighter look, kind of like the...
I spent yesterday working on sword and board heavy dwarf infantry and contrast painting some blood reaverers.
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] I got more progress done on my dwarves today. I just have to finish the command group now.
I didn't have enough money in me to buy it. Hopefully, it'll be there when I go back next time. It's not like anyone has bought it in the last 15...
Diarrhea's hereditary, too. It runs in your jeans.
[ATTACH] I spent last week with my parents outside of Columbus, OH and I went into a gamestore at their local mall one day. They had a rack full...
I'm one of the few people I know who doesn't like Settlers. One, it's too random for my taste and, two, I don't like the fact that I can have the...
Yesterday, I got some more paint on the dwarf arms. I have one more layer on the arms, detail work and touch ups, all the shields, and the command...
I loved the Shadowrun lore. The best system I've found for it was a friend who ported it into Savage Worlds. It worked better than I expected.
Yesterday, I got a couple things done. First, I had some time, so I got basecoats on arms for that ten of my dwarf heavy infantry. Second, and...
And Reformation Day, as he posted them on All Hallow's Eve.
Today, I worked a bit more on building my daughter's sylvaneth. I'm alsonquietly plotting out a narrative freeplay game for her, using the...
Sounds cool! I've been tempted to try to put an army together using Frostgrave gnolls as gors and ungors, with some conversions and proxies for...
Nice! Are you going all GW models or are going to use other lines?