Tonight I put the finishing touches in the bodies of my other 10 heavy dwarfs, primed the other three models from my Ironjawz SC box, and finished...
Tonight, I finished up the bodies of the last ten heavy dwarfs and primed the three Ironjawz cav from the SC box. I also finished up this model...
Thanks. I'm unsure about the brown wash as they are meant to be fairly bright and clean.
That's about the same era where I started converting my Genestealer Cult as a kitbash army that originally ran as an IG army using 3rd ed....
I went by a new store across town that opened this weekend with my daughter. We bought her a Sylvaneth SC box, the Armybook and a Skaven Armybook...
[ATTACH] Twenty dwarf linebreakers for Oathmark, done except for basing. I really like the Oathmark infantry kits. I'm not as big a fan of their...
Thank you! It was a fun project and a fun tournament. Now I need to figure out what to take for the next one.
I finished up my first 20 heavy dwarfs.
[ATTACH] Here are twenty Oathmark dwarf linebreakers (Heavy Dwarves with two-handed weapons.) It's actually a really nice kit.
My car actually has one of these.
And got even more paint on my dwarfs. I think I'm about one more paint session from completing the twenty with two handed weapons. I'll probably...
I got some more paint on my heavy dwarfs yesterday, while my daughter got a couple more layers on the Frostgrave soldiers I bought her.
I've heard her called the world's most expensive dependentopotomus.
I played in the WHFB tournament today. I got about a game and a half in before I had to leave. It was a pretty fun tournament and I'm hoping to...
Thanks! There is a small group in the area that still plays and I've been invited a few times. It's going to be 1600 pt games this time, so a bit...
[ATTACH] WIP troll and a finished savage orc shaman. [ATTACH] And here are both finished trolls. Funnily enough, I probably won't take them...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Marsh troll ready for Saturday's WHFB tournament. I'll try to get pictures of the rest later.
I'm out of town in business again, so I have time to paint. I got my five Savage Orcs finished, finally. And I got one of the trolls mostly...
I actually had another few minutes, so I primed the Reaper troll and the savage orks. I also started on a small terrain project. I wasn't sure...
Bought a couple things for an upcoming WHFB tournament. I picked up a box of savage orks, then built ten of them. The rest will probably become...