Had a little extra time yesterday, so I put details onto some savage ork big 'uns that have been sitting on my notional paint table for too long.
Bought and started reading Stargrave today. It's interesting. Mostly a sci-fi reskin of Frostgrave, but that isn't a bad thing.
And, got more time to hobby today, so I built my troops from the Dominion box. Ten orks and 20 hobgoblins built, next up is the heroes...
[ATTACH] Finished this guy up last night.
Thank you! Oathmark is from the same company as Frostgrave, so I'm not surprised by the resemblance. It's by the same author as well.
[ATTACH] Finally finished this guy last night.
I had a little extra time last night, so put more work in on my Start Collecting box. My warchanter is mostly done, just down to washes, and I...
It's been a while since I updated, but I finally finished another model. My Ironjawz continue to take shape. [ATTACH] I'm also working my way...
I've been busy, so I haven't posted, but I've been getting a bit done. I finished building my Ironjawz Start Collecting box and one of the...
I went to the store and bought my last two boxes of warbands from Beastgrave. I've also been doing little bits here and there on my Iron Jawz SC box.
I prefer the 3D ones. I used to use a set of 40mm bases that I painted to look like sensor blips. I need to 0aint up some other ones. I did buy...
Music from the 90s is as old today as music from the 60s was in the 90s.
I had some time to myself this afternoon, so I pulled mybpaints out. I put some basecoats and washed on seven of my 'ardboyz and on the Megaboss...
I wouldn't be surprised, particularly with the introduction of banners and musicians to the hobgoblin and ork models, to see Kruelboyz models be...
Spent yesterday building most of my Ironjawz SC Box and my Megaboas. This morning, I took them out and primed them. Now I need to find time to...
I went down to my GW store and picked up my copy of Dominion. I also added on the General's Handbook, a Ironjawz Warboss, and an Ironjawz Start...
I was struggling with the dwarfs earlier because I didn't bring any bases on my work trip, so I went down to Dollar Tree to see what I could find...
I spent last night working on my 30 heavy dwarf infantry, priming all of them and getting a basecoat on five of them. I also put some more paint...
Snipped 30 Dwarf Heavy Infantry off their sprues. I'm hoping to get them done over the next week or two. Padre
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Grymwatch completed.