I love your paint scheme! It is very rare to see black lizardmen but damn they look good! :) Also lovely 5th edition models. They do have a...
A small update! I am painting my Skink Priest right now! He is the first of the "newer" line of models that I paint. It's kind of crazy actually...
It sure would be awesome ;) I'm currently working on a skink priest! I will post pictures of him on my blog when he is done. I'm also trying to...
Now with pupils! [ATTACH]
My latest creation! This turned out to be one of my best painted models as of yet :) I toned his color scheme down from the last model I painted...
Thanks for the answers guys :) I just looked them up on Google, theyre quite cool! they do look very similar to the warhammer ones!
What is this illusive modern mini Slann you refers to? is it a limited edition model or something? :)
Holy smokes you've got a lot of models!!! That Slann collection is really impressive! I'm jealous ;) Congratulations on the cabinet. it's really...
*some more!! haha important word that was left out :P
Rikard's models sure are awesome! I would love to paint some one day :)
Here he is! My very first non-GW model! I fell in love with this model instantly when I saw it. The massive t-rex jaws especially got me ;)...
The wings look soo good! :D
I just looked through your blog so you've just received a lot of likes :D I'm really impressed with all your projects. And what a wonderfully big...
I just received a model with the mail that I've been looking very much forward to try to paint! It is my first model that is not from GW so it...
Ah yes! What would the Lizardmen be without their lovely skinks? They hold a special place in my heart aswell ;) Thank you for your comment...
Thanks for the picture @n810! He looks great! They do look very similar ;) I like the very bright colors of the feathers - they really catch the...
Thanks a lot @Jorgik and @Bowser! :)
Thank you @SlanntaClause! :)
A small update and a Skink! My match this weekend went great. My friend won the first battle and I won the second. We had a lot of fun and my...
Wow @Jorgik I'm so jealous of your crazy talent! Your board where everything is set up with the pyramids, the ruins, the jungle plants and the...