Wow thank you so much @Warden!!! That's some serious compliments - I really appreciate it!
I hope so too :D
Cool! I wish you the best of luck on your project then :)
Thanks! I'm pretty sure now that I will enter the competition... when I think of something to do for it! Thanks for the push and the kind words!...
Thank you very much! I actually didn't see it until yesterday. I'm thinking about trying to make an entry but I'm clueless on what model I should...
Thank you for the detailed answer @SlanntaClause!
I'm making good progress on my cold ones. 4 out of 6 are finished. I will upload pictures of them tomorrow :) In the meantime here is a little...
Very impressive work with the greenstuff! :O Great job! :)
I'm glad I stumbled upon your painting blog - you've got some great looking models here! Your old Slann converted with the Saurus head is so good....
Thanks for the kind words @Toltecatl! It's nice to hear that you too have returned from the hobby and enjoy it!
I love that you have so many of the older edition models and models from other brands than GW! I look forward to more Posts from you! They're fun...
Wow the Taurosaur is really awesome! Good job :)
Very nice looking models! The stone bases are just great!
Thanks a lot @Jorgik! I'm very happy that you like it :) I'm making progress on the cold ones and will most likely have all 6 painted early next...
COLD ONE PROJECT After finishing up my Warriors I thought myself up for another challenge. I had 6 unpainted Cold One Riders collecting dust on...
Thank you @NIGHTBRINGER! I really appreciate your comment and that you checked out my painting blog :)
Thank you @n810! I do love the classic theme :D
Thanks a lot @Bowser!!! :)
Thank you so much for the positive feedback guys!! Your comments are very motivating. Thanks for the tip @Crowsfoot - I will be sure to try that...
The regiments: One new spear warrior and 10 new with hand weapons :) [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] And a little picture just for fun - I always...