He he he. Nothing to see here. (Shun the heretic! Shun the heretic!)
Congratulations to @thedarkfourth (again). I am still unsure why we resurrected you, but hey, mahrlect happens. I am legit astonished by our new...
Bobliographical Comments and Critiques General statements first – this would have to be the comp with the best adherence to theme eva! And it...
So, Scalenex, would you run away from the luzards on infinity's first 5 pages? they don't have round pupils.
Thanks, PP.. You've made critiquing so much easier for me. I disagree with everything PP said, except for when he/she disagreed with Scalenex.
My compulsion to obey is irresistible. What was in that drink you made me?
Entry Sent. No anonymity here - it is the good one
It has a mouth, so... not your cutest. Also, count the digits, you heretic! Otherwise - particularly awesome legs and feet. I will be copying :)
Tardis noises! Tardis noises! nothing to see here. Just the NINE entries Scalenex was mentioning!
Ahh. That settles the age old question: "Do zombie skinks breathe?"
wait... PP does something other than LIKE? I stand bemused. And, Infinity, didn't you aim low (slapstick humour) and demolish the last comp?...
I've been relocating the Antipodean Turkey Saurus equivalents from my back yard. [IMG] at a rate of 2 per month recently. Bring on summer so I...
I jotted some notes today. Will you accept a hand scrawled entry?
I can't Maths. Is this still open?
I did finally vote 1st - the Wisdom of Blah Blah Blah because the images of madness were so intriguing and the rogue skink's matter of fact "do...
I win. Last to Post AND @Lord-Marcus blinked first when caught in the steely gaze of Great Aartzifartzi. In the inyterest of making no effort, I...
There are worse atrocities. Story 6 - One Man's Food is Another Man's Poison Orctose Intolerant [ATTACH] Hey @Infinity Turtle , What are the...
I might nor get to proper critiques for these -but I will illustrate for whisky! Story 3 - Heart of Darkness T'pok's Choice [ATTACH]
Wait... An edible trophy? Almost too good to be true. And who conceived this delectable delight? Y'ttar, you say. I might pass.
Inconceivable! I have the inspiration to write AND the time to do it. That trophy is as good as mine Mwahahahaha!