Fun fact: Spawning of Bob has won the same number of Tours de France AND has the same number of testicles as Lance Armstrong.
4 Masters of writing and the Beast who concocted Story 5. The competition follows its own theme. A tough set to choose 1 vote for, particularly...
Panic! Did nothing, assumed I would have missed deadline, came back to cell coverage, now discover that more days remain! I need a plan!
But I am the last Therefore I win (Again)
Is winning not a milestone? Twice in a matter of minutes?
I made the last post. So I win.
Flame-on, Spawnling.
I am a beast and a master! I shall write my autobiography.
Seems like this thread has gone off topic. We should wrap it up. Therefore I won.
So you just vote for yourself? Shame. Conratulations @Infinity Turtle, well played. Unless you count your ukelele skills.
Go away, Spambot of Evil!
@Ritual is a robot. Block him (it) at once!
@Ritual? Can you really read that fast?
You don't understand this game. You Lose. Don't bother to reply.
In my views about such things, I am influenced by another source you have neglected to quote: the collected writings of the Spawning of Bob. As I...
I'm back. You lose. Goodnight.
A cracking crop for sure. I've been out of the loop too long to dare author guesses but whoever you'all are have stepped up b in the last 12...
I have inserted my own deliberate errors just to confuse everyone. Can't get more childish than that!
I still have an idea. It has been honed. But not so much written. When is the entry date?